There are some great bargains this week. If you had some extra cash, it would be a great time to stock up on some items at rock bottom prices.
Food Club Peanut Butter: 88 cents at Town and Country or $1 Kroger Peanut Butter at Smiths
Cantaloupe or Pineapple: $2. Sprouts
General Mills cereal $1.49 Smiths
Mushrooms, baby Carrots, Broccoli: 97 cents
Signature Pasta 50 cents/box
Lucerne Cheese $1.69 Albertsons
Red Baron Pizza: $2.50 Town and Country
Chicken Drumsticks 99 cents per pound Albertsons
Eggs: 99 cents Rosauers
Bananas 39 cents Rosauers
Sandwich Bread: 79 cents Rosauers
Corn 6 for $1 at Smiths
Since we don't have some of the stores in our town, there are limited choices. But, if you only had $10 to spend, you could do just fine. Here is what I would buy if I only had 10 dollars to spend this week:
Eggs:99 cents
Bananas: 1 lbs at 39 cents/lb
Corn: 6 for $1 at Smiths
Peanut Butter: 88 cents
Bread: 79 cents
Pineapple or Cantaloupe: $2
Carrots and Broccoli at 97 cents each
Cheese $1.69
If you bought these, you could have peanut butter sandwiches, grilled cheese, Eggs and toast for Breakfast, etc. I would eat 1/2 banana for breakfast each day with an egg or egg and toast.
Frankly, if you are on such a tight budget, having potlucks or cooking with someone else would have some real benefits so you can have more variety. For example, if you contributed bread and peanut butter, they could contribute jam and a fruit or veggie. If you contributed eggs, they could contribute some link sausage. If you contributed a box of cereal, they could contribute some milk, etc. Or, you could buy enough food for two weeks or a month for yourself, instead of just buying a week at a time. The best thing would be to have enough food stored in your pantry so that you could use your weekly money to just buy the groceries at rock bottom prices, or loss leaders as they call them. You would get so much more food for your money this way, and you could stock up a little at a time.
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