Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Simplifying Our Menu

I finally decided to simplify our menu.  I wanted a plan that had some structure, yet had some flexibility.  This is what I came up with:

Meatless Mondays - any kind of meatless meals

Tortilla Tuesdays - I will make homemade tortillas every Tuesday and make a meal that has tortillas like enchiladas, soft tacos, burritos, quesadillas, wraps, possibly breakfast burritos

Wednesday - Casserole of some kind or Pasta/Rice/Couscous/Orzo dish like lasagna for example

Thursday - New Recipe or Free Choice

Friday - Pizza (Pizza, Sfeeha, Pizza rolls, Calzones) or Go out to eat

Soup for Saturday

Sunday - Leftovers so I have a day off from cooking

For each day, I will find between 5-10 recipes that my family likes and they can choose one for me to make that week.  10 meatless meals, 10 soups, 10 casseroles, etc.  Thursdays will be my chance to try new recipes or make a request that someone really wants to have that week.

I would imagine that it will take a few months to get this to work smoothly.  I can always replace recipes that I have with ones we like better, but keep at least 5 choices for each day.

How do you plan your menus?  Do you have any good ideas you would like to share?

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