We reached some of our goals last year and fell short on others. It would have been wise to look at them more frequently and see where we were and what we needed to do to get where we wanted. This year we will be more vigilant.
2012 Goals Update:
1. Pay $12.000 on mortgage - WE PAID $10,833 so we were $1,167 short of our goal
2. Contribute $5,00+ to retirement - WE PAID A TOTAL OF $6,450
3. Save most of the money for our son's church mission. We saved 40% so we fell way short of this goal because of some unexpected expenses.
4. Restore Emergency Fund back to $2,000. WE DID THIS. At the end of the year, we had to replace the garage door opener, so we had to use some emergency money again for that purchase. We will put this goal on next year's list again for that reason.
5. Pay cash for all travel in 2012. WE DID THIS. We borrowed some money from our savings and paid it back because of the timing of the trips we did. We won't do that again next year. Next year, we will have all the money saved ahead of time for each trip or we will cancel the trip or adjust it to fit into the budget we have.
6. Pay cash for a recliner. WE DID THIS, but it worked out differently than we had originally thought. We found a nice used leather recliner at a garage sale, so we didn't need to spend the money on a new one.
The biggest thing I gleaned from going over our goals and analyzing them was the importance of looking at them more frequently and making sure we are on target instead of only looking at them a couple of times in the year.
Looking at the bright side, at least we made some goals and are taking the time to analyze them and see what we can improve on in 2013.
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