Monday, August 29, 2011

Holiday Challenge and 2011 Monthly Challenges

As you may have noticed by now, we are doing a different challenge each month.  We would love to have you join us anytime if you are interested in doing so. 

For July, we made 31 different breads.  There was a different kind each day. 

For August, we got rid of 25 things a day.  I am looking forward to this one being done.  There isn't much more left in the house to get rid of and I still have two days!  If you want to see what I got rid of, it is here at the Dollar Stretcher.

For September, I am going to cook with beans each day.  We will still eat some meat, but try to make a different bean dish each day. 

For October, we are doing Freezer Cooking.

For November, we are doing a service month and donating 30 items to the food bank for Thanksgiving for others. (Equivalent of 1 item per day)

We were going to try to do a crazy 100 dollar Holiday challenge (our families were starting to panic) for December, but decided against it since we already have the money saved that we are going to use for Christmas.  So, for Christmas we are doing a DEBT FREE CHRISTMAS.  We are telling you now so if you want to join us, you can have some time to plan ahead and save money.  No credit card bills after Christmas to have to pay that drag out for months!  You use whatever you have saved for Christmas and don't give in and spend more than you have.  We would love to have you join us!

How much do you regularly spend at Christmas time?  How do you feel about giving or getting used things at Christmas?  Would you like to join us in this challenge?  Link up and share your ideas and progress!

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