Thursday, January 27, 2011

50 Dollars a Week Grocery Challenge - Jan 27 Spent $43.18 Total

I am doing my shopping in two trips.  This is the first trip.  I spent a total of $9.47. 

2.00   Kettle chips - 2
1.50   Phili Cream Cheese
1.49   Heinz Ketchup
2.50   Minute Maid Orange Juice (BOGO)
  .49   Candy Bars (BOGO)
1.49   Corn Chips

Total for this trip:  $9.47

2nd trip - all prices are after coupon prices.

 .88     (3) Organic yogurts
.39      Medium eggs
1.09    Sour cream
1.98    (2) packages Danimals yogurt drinks
.23      Sunflower seeds - bulk
2.11    Bananas
3.99    Organic gala apples
.44      Lemon
1.13    Broccoli
3.99    Gallon of Milk
2.49    Grated Parm/Romano/Asiago mix
.74      Reduced Organic yogurt
1.69    Grape Tomatoes
2.99    5 lb. carrots
1.99    10 lb. potatoes
1.60    (2) reduced Wholly Guacamole
1.98    (2) Kettle Chips
4.00    (4) Packages of Organic Romaine Lettuce leaves

Total of this trip - $33.71

Grand total for both trips - $43.18   If Albertson's has double coupons this weekend, I still have $1.82 left to spend!  The other $5 is pictured in the $5 pantry challenge.  I am spending $5 on Pantry items and $45 on food each week.  I should have skipped the potato chips.  I really wanted to buy a little bit more produce!

Did you get some great deals?  Link up and share your shopping trip!