Tuesday, October 23, 2012

$50 Grocery Challenge - Spent $49.58

First of all, I got the Bountiful Basket for $16.50. 

Then I got the following:

Tillamook Shredded cheese  8 packages at 1.25 each
Lemons 3 at 44 cents each
Buttermilk  2 at 33 cents each
Organic Feta Cheese 3.99
Western Family Orange Juice  1.99
Organic Skim Milk  3.49
sunflower seeds  87 cents
Avocado  99 cents
Yoplait Yogurt assorted varities - 12 that averaged out to 3/1.00
Kraft Mayonnaise 2.99
Golden Grahams 2 at 75 cents each
Honey Nut Cheerios  2 at 75 cents each
Paper towels - Free
Muir Glen tomato sauce 3 at 9 cents each
Crest toothpaste 50 cents

Grand total:  $49.58

How did you do this week?  Did you stay in your budget or get some good deals?  Link up and share!


  1. Wow! Great buy on the cheese and cereal. I love bargains like these. You got a lot this week.

  2. I'm envious! We miss all the great deals we used to get at Maceys in Utah. Iowa just doesn't have an equivalent store. Location makes a big difference in buying power.

  3. We don't get the coupons that others get up here in Montana, but I usually just focus on fresh foods. I bought the yogurt and cereal this week just for a special treat for the family. Location really makes a difference. I think that each week is different also. Some weeks you feel like you get a lot for your money and other weeks, it just don't seem to go very far. Thanks for the comments. Hope you have a nice day!

  4. Looks like some great shopping! :D Thanks for hosting a linky! :)
