Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Menu for the Week - March 6 - March 12

Chicken pot pie, but use this new Biscuit recipe on top instead of using a pie crust

Grilled cheese with this new recipe for Pumpernickel Rye Bread since I have rye berries that need to be used and some molasses that needs to be used

Taco Salad - possibly meatless

Pizza Bread - for teenage daughter

Beach Street Lemon Chicken Linguine

Meatless soft tacos with homemade tortillas and black refried beans, etc.

I will probably go out to eat one or two times and just order one inexpensive meal ($5-8) to share with my daughter since my husband has some meetings and won't join us a few nights.

Snack - Homemade Chocolate Granola

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