On my first shopping trip, I spent $26.13. I got the following:
6.76 4 gallons of milk on sale for $1.69 each
2.38 (2) Quaker Oatmeal squares at $1.19 each
3.38 (2) Hershey's Chocolate syrup $1.69 each
2.85 Green grapes
2.50 Strawberries
1.94 Tomatoes on the vine
2.94 Bananas at 39 cents/lb.
1.69 Bob's Mill 5 grain cereal
1.69 Bob's Mill Oat bran
Second trip: These are after coupon prices. Spent $17.58
Free Steak
1.74 Cantaloupe
3.00 (9) Kiwis
1.98 (6) Kraft Cheeses marked down, plus coupons 33 cents each 2 shredded, 4 bars
1.34 (3) pkgs of Trident gum
.98 (2) Simply Lemonade marked down, plus coupons 49 cents each
.49 Wholly Guacamole
1.98 (2) different marked down Organic 1/2 gallons of milk - w/ coupons 99 cents each
Free (2) Organic milk chocolate singles
Free Vitamin Water
.73 McCormick Taco Seasoning
1.35 Cumin
2.99 3 lb. Organic Gala apples
1.00 (2) Grapefruits
These were free with part of a $25 dollar gift card I got with a coupon when getting a new or transferred prescription:
Broccoli, 1 lb. carrots, 2 lb. carrots, avacado, store brand taco seasoning, buttermilk, lettuce
Grand total spent: $43.71
For those of you who are interested in free groceries, and have someone in the family who uses prescription medicine, there are coupons that you can get for a free grocery or store card with a new or transferred prescription. They range all the way up to $25. Some stores even match other stores coupons. It may be worth checking into!
How was your shopping trip this week? Link up and share!
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