- Parents, Grandparents and Friends
- Make dinner
- Take them out to eat – you can choose the place that fits in your budget
- Take them shopping
- Take them out to a movie
- Invite them over to spend an evening with you in your home and rent a movie and provide popcorn and a dessert.
- Offer to iron
- Mow their lawn
- Card game
- Coupon for a hug or kiss
- Trip to the library or doctor
- Book or cookies or bread or dinner once a month for a year
- Do household chores – dishes, vacuuming, cleaning, etc.
- Go on a walk together
- Breakfast in bed
- Wash the car
- Make a loaf of bread
- Watch their kids while they go out
- Cut their hair
- Paint their nails
- Make their favorite food for them
- Teach them a skill or talent
- An evening with mom and dad
- Party with friends and watch a movie and provide dinner or dessert
- Bowling
- Use of the car including gas for a date
- A toy of their choice under a certain dollar limit
- Rent their favorite movie
- Take them to their favorite restaurant
- Play their favorite game
- A night off from household chores
- Paint their room
- Let them choose a pattern and material and sew what they want
Coupons are fun and easy to make. You can use any kind of paper, markers or crayons and even use stickers or pictures if you want them to be more elaborate. Coupons are an easy alternate way of giving a gift from the heart. You can decide whatever you want to give in your budget, and you can give services or spend time with people if money is tight. Don’t let money be a stumbling block this Christmas season. There are other ways to give to others besides a store bought present. Coupons allow you the freedom to give whatever you can in any budget.
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